On January 20 and 21, 2020, within the framework of the international project “Court, citizens, society, state: cooperation for change”, working meetings were held. As a result of which international experts (Ester De Roy, Simon Van Der Schenck), the project team (Andriy Drishlyuk, Tetiana Shevyrina, Victoria Bondar, Yulia Bondarenko) and the main stakeholders (Svitlana Pogorelova, Oleg Kopitsa, Victoria Kholod, Leonid Lichman, Valentina Savenko, Volodimir Drishlyuk, Volodimir Zubar, Olexander Kozlov, Vitaly Cherkes) discussed the plan of events to implement the “Guidelines for organizing effective legal proceedings”.
Reference: by the decision of the Council of Judges of Ukraine No. 71 on the territory of Odessa region in pilot courts – Malinovsky District Court of Odessa, Izmail District Court of Odessa region, Odessa Court of Appeal introduced the implementation of the pilot project “Court, citizens, society, state: cooperation for change”, initiated by the Court of Appeal of Odessa region, the purpose of which is to develop uniform unified guidelines for organizing effective civil and criminal proceedings within the framework of the law.