On June 20, 2018, the initiators and developers of the project “Court, citizens, society, state: cooperation for change” Andrey Drishlyuk and Tatiana Shevyrina, together with Esther De Roy, who is an expert on international administration, held a working meeting with judges and staff of Malinovsky District Court of Odessa.

At the beginning of the meeting, Deputy President of Odessa Region Court of Appeal Andriy Drishlyuk and judge of Ochakovsky City District Court of Mykolaiv region Tetiana Shevyrina presented a project, the need for which is caused by the lack of uniform standards for organizing the internal work of courts in Ukraine, and familiarized the audience with the results of an anonymous survey of attorneys and lawyers practicing in Odessa region regarding courts quality of work in Odessa region.

Throughout the whole day judges and employees of Malinovsky district court staff of Odessa actively communicated with Ester De Roy regarding the specifics of court’s work organization, the implementation of the judicial process and administration in Malinovsky District Court of Odessa, as well as opportunities to improve the efficiency of judicial administration to improve citizens’ access to courts and judicial services.